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Fertility in Women After 30s: Conception and Age-Related Factors

Deciding to have a baby in your thirties is a big decision. Reasons might include having time to establish yourself professionally or meeting the perfect partner. Whatever the reason, pregnancy in your thirties poses unique challenges that require thorough consideration. 

Does age affect the chances of getting pregnant naturally?

You are likely to prefer pregnancy naturally but in your 30s the chances of getting pregnant are slightly lower than getting pregnant in your late 20s. And after the age of 35, time does start to run out due to the quality of eggs declining. So, it is best to wait no more to try conceiving pregnancy, especially if you want more than one child. 

How many chances of getting pregnant through fertility treatment at the age of 30s?

For those trying to conceive, it is recommended that you seek help early in your 30s. Methods such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) have higher success rates for women aged 30-35 with a one in three chance of achieving a live birth per treatment cycle. However, after the age of 35, the success rate starts to drop off.

What are the Pros and cons of getting pregnant in your 30s?

Becoming a mother in your 30s has many advantages. You and your partner are likely to be more confident and secure in both your relationship and career. You can create the perfect environment to raise a child. The interruption from returning to work is made easier since you have more flexibility at this age than if you were older, which will also allow you to keep growing along the career path. Therefore, if you decide to take a break from work then later down the line, it can be the perfect timing to have a baby.

In addition, Older mums also have often lived more life experiences before having children which they can draw upon as they start their parenting journey. On top of that, they also have physical stamina and emotional resilience which come in handy with young children!


When you become pregnant in your 30s, it usually goes well. However, the older you get, the more likely it is that you’ll have medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure that can complicate your pregnancy and birth. Miscarriage becomes increasingly more common with age, with women over 35 having around a two-in-10 risk. 

Ectopic pregnancy and gestational diabetes are also more prevalent in older mums. Down’s Syndrome risks also rise with age–at 30 years old the chance of having a baby with Down’s Syndrome is around 1 in 800, but this increases to 1 in 270 by age 35 and rises even higher to 1 in 100 by 40 years old. It is important to be aware of the effects your age may have on your pregnancy and to discuss any concerns with your doctor.

How do I start preparing for pregnancy in my 30s?

If you’re considering getting pregnant, it’s important to take proactive steps in preparing your body for a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby. Make sure to quit smoking and avoid all alcohol consumption. Additionally, start taking a folic acid supplement daily as soon as you decide to conceive; doing so has been found to decrease the risk of certain birth defects significantly. 

Should I consult a gynecologist after conceiving a pregnancy?

Yes, definitely. It is a good idea to get checked out by the best gynecologist in Ahmedabad. Prenatal care is essential to help you and your baby get off to the best possible start. In addition, prenatal care allows you to get caught up with necessary health checks and vaccinations.