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What You Should Know About Pregnancy-Related Abdominal Pain?

It is normal to have some stomach pain when pregnant. Your organs are constantly shifting, your ligaments are stretching, and your uterus is developing, all of which might cause unimportant aches and pains. However, abdominal discomfort may occasionally be a symptom of a more serious condition. If you’re feeling uncomfortable due to pain better visit a best gynecologist in ahmedabad who may assist you.

Here are a few typical reasons for abdominal pain in pregnancy that won’t harm you or your unborn child:

  • Braxton Hicks Contractions
  • Round Ligament Pain
  • Gas and Bowel problems
  • Common Pains 

Know about the causes of lower and upper abdomen pain during pregnancy as well as when to call a or when to visit a gynec hospital Ahmedabad by reading our guide.

Pregnancy-related abdominal pain causes

Here are various typical causes of unimportant abdominal pain during pregnancy, from constipation to pain in the round ligaments. Remember to consult your gynec immediately away if your pain persists or becomes acute, or if you experience any unsettling signs like blood or severe cramping.

Braxton hicks contractions

Cervical dilatation is not a symptom of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are innocuous yet annoying. Identifying these practice contractions from actual preterm labor is difficult. Braxton Hicks contractions don’t occur at regular intervals or with increasingly worsening pain like labor contractions do, and they frequently cease if you shift positions.

Round ligament pain

The round ligaments, two substantial ligaments that extend to the front of the uterus and back into the groin, can occasionally become stretched as the uterus grows. Around the time you begin to show, round ligament pain often begins between 18 and 24 weeks. It mainly affects one side of your belly, although it can affect both.

Gas and bowel problems

Constipation and gas are frequent side effects of pregnancy. Your whole gastrointestinal tract slows down due to the hormone progesterone, which rises during pregnancy, making food pass through it more slowly. Consume meals high in fiber and drink lots of fluids to prevent constipation. If it doesn’t resolve the problem, your gynec may recommend a stool softener or fiber supplement.

Also Read: Does Being Pregnant Lead to Bloody Stool?

Your expanding womb

Your uterus moves your colon as it expands, which might cause nausea, a feeling of being full quickly, or abdominal distention. The answer? Consume smaller food, more frequent meals, move around more, sleep sufficiently, and pee a lot. If you want to explore more on this topic better connect with the best gynecologist hospital in ahmedabad.

What type of abnormalities can you face?

It is advisable to see a gynecologist right once if you have significant stomach pain as it may indicate an anomaly. Some anomaly listed below-

  1. Pre-eclampsia (Toxemia)

In 5% to 8% of pregnancies, preeclampsia and other hypertension problems develop. Preeclampsia may manifest at 20 weeks (which is one reason why your doctor checks your blood pressure at every appointment). This illness is distinguished by:

  • Protein within urine 
  • A high blood pressure
  1. Extrauterine (Ectopic) pregnancy

When a fertilized egg is implanted somewhere other than the uterus, this happens in 1 out of every 50 pregnant women. The egg is often placed in an extrauterine site, such as the fallopian tube. Extrauterine pregnancies, on the other hand, cannot go to term and may require immediate medical attention.

  • The 6th and 10th weeks of pregnancy are when ectopic pregnancies can cause severe discomfort and bleeding. 
  • Occur in women who have previously had one as well as those who have endometriosis.
  • Had their tubes tied or used an intrauterine device (IUD) at the time of conception?
  1. Abrupt placentation

The placenta separating from your uterus before the baby is born is a potentially fatal problem. Placental abruption symptoms:

  • Your stomach will remain rigid for a long time without alleviation as a result of the continual agony.
  • True contractions occur every five to twenty minutes.
  • Blood or water that has prematurely broken.
  • back discomfort and perhaps blood-tinged fluid discharge.
  1. Miscarriage

A miscarriage is the most frequent type of pregnancy loss; between 15 and 20%of pregnancies terminate in miscarriage. It also goes by the name “spontaneous abortion.” Usually, a miscarriage happens within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Miscarriage signs and symptoms:

  • You’ll suffer varying degrees of back discomfort.
  • True contractions occur every five to twenty minutes.
  • Hemorrhage of a brown or red color with or without pains.
  • Passing tissue or clot-like substance from the vagina.
  1. Uterine tract infection (Bladder Infection)

While infections of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all treatable during pregnancy, if you ignore them, they might cause difficulties. The signs of a UTI include:

  • When urinating, there may be pain, discomfort, or burning.
  • Additionally, the illness causes lower abdomen discomfort.

You have fever, nausea, sweats, chills, and discomfort in your lower back, sides of your body, beneath your ribs, or above your pelvic bone. Immediately seek medical attention.

When to consult a gynecologist

If anything doesn’t seem quite right, don’t be afraid to visit a gynec hospital in Ahmedabad like Vatsalya Women’s Hospital. You should schedule an appointment if you have any concerns. Further, at any instance when things aren’t going right, pick your phone and call your gynecologist ASAP!